NXEars Sonata 單動鐵單元耳機

  • $1,580.00
    單價 每 


NXEars Sonata 單動鐵單元耳機


NXEars Sonata

使用單個全頻動鐵單元,透過 " AGL " 技術,Sonata 可以投射出環繞聲般的音場,細膩嘅細節以及長期嘅佩戴舒適感,而不會產生壓力和聽力疲勞。

Sonata features a single full-range Balanced Armature driver. With our Patent Pending “Aperiodic Ground Loading” (AGL) of the ear canal allows NXEars IEMs to project an enveloping soundstage, delicate detail retrieval and long-term hearing comfort without stress and listening fatigue. Sonata comes in 3 attractive hand-finished colors: Black, Midnight Green, and Red. Black and Green embed a real carbon fiber faceplate.

