NXEars Opera 8動鐵單元耳機

  • $6,380.00
    單價 每 


NXEars Opera 8動鐵單元耳機

NXEars Opera

8 動鐵單元,3 路分音,使用 8 芯 6N 單晶銅線,系列中的旗艦型號。為開發獨特的分頻網絡,使用特有的測量和模擬以獲取最合適的頻率響應,並維持 18 歐姆,易於推動。

Opera 仿如其名,在音樂廳欣賞歌劇般,揭示錄音中每一個細節,映射出清激,無與倫比的音場。

This top-of-the line IEM with 8-BA drivers each side is NXEars' statement product. To develop the crossover network, proprietary measurements and modelings were utilized to allow us to simulate the desirable frequency response and maintain an easy to drive impedance of 18-Ohm on the 3-way 8-driver network. Every Opera ships with 8-strand mono-crystal 6N copper MMCX cable.

Opera will reveal every details in a recordings, projects a fabulous soundstage with a "see-through" transparency.
